Living Life

You choose?

A question to ponder. ‘What do you choose?’  A simple statement and yet it could be difficult to answer. The quote by Paulo Coehlo rings loud and clear in my ears as everything seems to happen all at once during this time: “Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen at once.” We had so much time to think and introspect during the lockdown we had to endure. Then as the lockdown regulations eased it seemed that everything was happening all at once. The recent resurgence of the virus has once again reignited fear as some countries are effectively in lockdown again.

Although people have already endured the pain of lockdown before, human nature is oriented to socially interact with others. Many of us must have felt stifled that we were not free to interact socially. Even those who love being alone struggled with the fact that they were not free to interact socially when they really wanted to. This life changing event felt so drastic and for many of us it also felt like we were forced to go through a metamorphosis. 

During this period I had to adapt my way of doing things so that I could make sense interacting in this world and then changing again to try and go back to the way things were before. I knew that there will be sacrifices, yet it was difficult to adapt. Do we allow fear to take over because we cannot accept the change? The changes that took place during this pandemic came with a level of economic, psychological and social concerns. Some of us felt  financial concerns too and many were not spared the consequences of a raging pandemic. All of these factors might have contributed to a feeling of a loss of control. Such concerns aren’t irrational and is very much the reality of what we had to deal with.

The possibility that fear will creep in again (for some it might still be there as the severity of the first outbreak is still fresh on everyone’s minds) can cause people to once again over react. In this time more than ever I cling to my faith. I know it will help me to keep on believing that things will change for the better. I hope that  we as humans will be able to overcome this virus as has been done with other viruses in the past. I hope that we will all be able to hold onto faith and savour the joy of being alive.

Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose.” – Bob Proctor

By HensBlooms

I believe in God, love and life! Married to my friend, mentor and rock. We have been blessed with two beautiful girls. My personal journey provides opportunities for me to empower individuals to lead better lives. I have had a real desire to work with people for a long time and have always been fascinated with human behaviour and understanding how the mind works.
I love the following quote by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. “Remember that children, marriages and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get”

13 replies on “You choose?”

“Mankind is adaptable
in abnomal times those who choose to adapt
to the change until things return to normal will survive and conquer
those who choose not adapt will never be the same in one way or the other”

By: Van Prince

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This is a very honest post which I appreciate. We are all a bit fearful of something. However I am with you – 2 Timothy 1:7 For God have us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
My fear is not dying but being without my husband or daughter if I were to be hospitalized. However God is still in control! Have a wonderful and safe thanksgiving. Love ❤️ Joni

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