Living Life

Bracing and Embracing Life.

My attention was drawn to the heading in a local news article from News24 – Brace for a bumpier 2023: Experts predict a tougher year and global recession. This made me think about the cost of living and how it continues to rise, and that there’s not much hope that it will ease this year. The cost of living and several other forces are set to shape South Africa’s economy, the biggest being the country’s energy predicament. Experts also speak about taking the necessary steps to help weather the storm and warns that there’s no sure-fire way to position your investments during a recession.

I might not have the powers to control the economy but I know that I have control to invest in my personal self (read my blog previously posted ) and that it will help me reach my personal goals and plans for 2023. I’m quite aware that goals and plans can be derailed, but I’m cognisance that planning can help to brace for circumstances that often happen unexpectedly. I find myself working at or striving to be better in everything I do. For me it is always good to do introspection and it’s always a time to reflect on the good and the bad. I know I come short and that I can always show more kindness and compassion towards others. For me it is very important to continue planning, with good practices, change the undesired and hopefully it will help me to brace for the bumpier times ahead.

In Robin Sharma’s book, The Greatness Guide, he writes about Grace under Pressure – explaining how no life is perfect and that we all face challenges but also that we all have the power to choose to rise above our external circumstances.

May we all find the power to rise above our circumstances, brace for the hurdles ahead and continue to embrace ourselves.

Living Life

New Year New Beginnings

Blooming New Beginnings

New year new beginnings

I wish you

Grace and Gratitude to count your blessings reminiscing the old

Power and Strength to embrace the lessons that will help to build

Happiness and Joy to take with every step of the way

Calm and Peace in your heart embracing harmony

Kindness and Love filling your days bringing prosperity throughout the year