Living Life

Breath of Sunsets

As the sunset marks the end of the day, symbolising a sense of completion, so the year will come to an end too. After a day full of activity and meaning, a beautiful sunset brings everything to a close, and I hope that the busy year will end with meaning and purpose too.

I hope that we all find the time to destress and unwind. Perhaps, also to find the time to enjoy, relax and take in the breath of amazing sunsets.

Research shows that sunsets have many psychological effects that enhance the long-lasting satisfaction of, in life and physical benefits, and have been proven to relieve stress. This in itself should be reason for us to unwind and take in as much sunsets as possible.

I know that everything is possible if you put your mind to it, so I’m writing here to encourage myself and others as well, to make time to relax, enjoy those sunsets and unwind. “Your focus determines your reality”, a quote by George Lucas. You are where you are in life based on how you think. So, whatever a person dwells on will ultimately become their reality. Your mind is powerful, and your thoughts will direct you.

Wishing you many relaxing thoughts as the year is coming to an end and may you find yourself feeling the happiness and peace as you rejuvenate yourself. Enjoy the festivities and peace and contentment around you too. Happy holidays.

Living Life

Mindfulness Thoughts

Jacaranda view

The past few weeks I’ve been fortunate to be trained as a Mindfulness Facilitator at my place of work. I’ve learned so much under the guidance from Mark Joseph, (you can follow him on Insight Timer ‘Mark mindful-mentors’). Together with Mark and my fellow class mates, I have gained so much insight and I have this immense gratitude towards them all for the experiences and growth that was allowed.

The concept of mindfulness has been inspired by many. In our sessions, Mark always refers to the mindfulness definition of Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn – “Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, and as non-judgementally, non-reactively and open-heartedly as possible”.

I’ve jotted down some observations, thoughts, feelings and sensations that arose during my mindfulness sessions:

Acceptance of what I cannot change

Choosing to act in a positive way

Taking on peace finding the harmony

Nourishing my soul cherishing mindfulness

Holding on harnessing the power of love

Staying curious taking in knowledge to care

Learning to be better in all that’s good

Incorporating values of integrity and respect

Living Life

Blooming in Life

Keep on blooming

There are many signs signalling that spring has arrived on this side of the world. The sound of chirping birds, the smell of fresh soft scents, butterflies and bumblebees in the air, confirmation that spring is here. There is that definite smell that it is spring. I’m reminded that different plants bloom at different times of the year, and that there will be the constant shift of floral scents.

So, just like these plants, we too as people are blooming at different stages of life. Are you living life in full bloom, are you living with hope and purpose, with imagination and vision that honours the earth and one another? Blooming season could be different for each one of us.

Some say that late bloomers become good at managing their own expectations, handling setbacks, and accredit this to why late bloomers are happier and more successful than their peers who enjoyed early success. So, they also believe that later in life, early achievers find out that things don’t always go as planned, and that they aren’t prepared for life’s struggles.Then there’s also the topic that late bloomers naturally develop skills needed to find calmness and choose to keep exploring, learning, listening and observing what works and what does not. I don’t believe age or when you bloom matters but that our uniqueness and striving to constantly wanting to bloom, will allow us to bloom. 

I’m encouraged to stay curious and wish this curiosity for others too and I believe it will help us to grow and will lead to the blooming stages of our lives that I hope to be authentic and unique to each of us. Keep on blooming!

Living Life

Spreading Good Vibes

We often hear people encouraging us to live in the moment because tomorrow is not promised, but what does that look like?  Recently, I became more conscious of being positive in the moment. I’ve noticed that since I started doing a few very small things to help others, I’m happier and I just feel good. I am aware that at times we are busy being busy, especially when you have to juggle work, plus your personal life, and it doesn’t leave a lot of time for you to think about others. This doesn’t make you selfish or ungrateful, it just means that the feelings of those around you can get lost in the busyness of everyday life. Therefore it is extremely important to learn to live in the present moment.

Abraham Maslow said, “The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.” Studies actually show that living in the moment makes you happier. I’m encouraged and hope to continue to feel and to live everyday like it’s my last and to encourage all to make the most of every day as if it was your last day on Earth.

Today is going to be a good day, and if not great, tomorrow will better, but good it will be

We’re living in a world filled with unpleasantness, it is time to fill it, but fill it with good

Now, is the time to do a few small things to help others feel good, but let it be good

Presently, you may find yourself in the NEWS – North, East, West, South, may you be the good

Reach out to others, smile, be polite, show gratitude, be generous, show kindness, be the good

Show random acts of kindness, pay everyone the same level of respect, forgive! Be the good

For goodness’ sake don’t let it be too late, spread positive vibes, be good!

Living Life

A Change is Coming

A change is coming

Shifting gears from one season to the other reminders everywhere, I have to embrace change, a change is coming

Feeling a bit gloomy with thoughts that change is inevitable, yet also necessary, a change is coming

Nothing is promised and much to do, time to get out there, accept the whirlwind of change, a change is coming

Relentless as efforts will yield with a promise to shed light, key to growth and happiness, a change is coming

Do those adventures to set the pulse raising, a change is coming

Constantly modifying and adapting to life, as efforts will yield, a change is coming

Applying those essential differences, bring along many uncertainties, but also brings along hope, a change is coming

Change is here!

Living Life

Curiosity Killed the Cat, or Did it Really?

I read an advertisement “Satisfy your curiosity and discover the locked content you’ve been missing out on”.  I was reminded of this advertisement whilst reading a book I had on my bookshelf for many years and realised that I missed out on reading valuable content. I had no interest in reading this book before, and to my surprise, I enjoyed reading every bit of it and learned so much as well.

“Curiosity killed the cat” is a proverb used to warn of the dangers of unnecessary investigation or experimentation. It also implies that being curious can sometimes lead to danger or misfortune. The original form of the proverb, now rarely used, was “Care killed the cat”. Then, also Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. The first mention including “satisfaction” dates back to 1912. The altered meaning: While curiosity may harm you, the satisfaction of finding knowledge/the truth is worth it. Wikipedia.

I’ve included in my goals to be persistently curious, curious to learn, and to find satisfaction in the knowledge. I hope that I will also continue to show that inquisitive interest in others, to show care and hopefully contribute to making my immediate “world” a better place.

Stay curious…

Living Life

Power to Love

Photographer Chantel Vogel

I wrote about that special ingredient called love before and I wrote about neighbourly love too. I suppose there’s much to write about love. Wikipedia explains  love –  “Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure”

Today, I want to bring your attention to the power to love, the authority to love, and the choices to love one another.  Sometimes our choices to love are made unconsciously, and yet it brought about a lifetime of contentment and happiness. The question arises then, If I applied love once, should it not be enough? Love does not work this way, to love, you must consciously continue to do so. How do we keep caring and keep loving? 

Photographer Chantel Vogel

I recall that when my daughter was much younger, we would say to one another I love you and I would say I love you more and she would reply saying I love you to infinity and beyond, making her the “winner” of loving me more.  We all have the power to love and today I want to encourage us all to use our powers and implement love. To have that eagerness to love one another more, to overcome hate and negativity by overshadowing it with positive emotional love.

Thinking you are more important makes you inappropriate and takes away love.

Living Life

Beauty in the Storm

Sometimes life can be likened to that storm that struck violently and unexpectedly. With the cost of living increasing daily and your income not, it could feel like we are stuck in that unexpected storm. It most certainly can be difficult to stay positive, but perhaps this is a time to remind yourself about the saying, “the greater the storm the brighter your rainbow”.  

Recently, I was annoyed with a couple in front of me in the grocery queue.  They were adding up every single item in their very jam-packed trolley and putting them down one by one to be scanned by the cashier and asking for the total after each item before adding the next. This seemed like it went on forever, and I was in a hurry and allowed this to add to my aggravation. It took me a while to realised that they are scanning each item before adding the next because they were not sure if they had the funds to pay for all the goods. This was confirmed as I witnessed their sigh of relief as they eventually unpacked the very last item from their trolley and managed to pay for it all.  Eventually it was my turn to pay for my goods, shockingly it cost much more than what I thought it would be and much more than what I budgeted for. In this instance I learned a big lesson, and wished that I showed less irritation, and rather more compassion and kindness.

So, when tempers flare or life’s storms loom, and we allow our temperaments to increase, this can negatively affect our health and relationships too. It helps to remember that you can choose your reaction.

“Stay strong there’s a rainbow after every storm”

I’m also aware that storms can go on forever, or rather it can feel that way, and this is when we must find that beauty in the storm. Or in times of these storms, instead of adding to the misery, be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.

Living Life

Sound Mind

We are living in uncertain times, and we find ourselves constantly having to adapt and adjust the way we’ve been doing things. This can cause us to experience anxiety, worry and stress, that can be the cause of our unusual reactions. Often, we have knee jerk reactions and find ourselves in a ridiculously silly and unreasonable state of mind. There are ways to reduce these feelings and increase our tolerance to uncertainty. Reducing the effects of stress is important for a sound mind and for our overall health and well-being. Practicing mindfulness will help us relax the body and mind and will also help reduce stress and help to focus on sensing and feeling in the moment, without judgment.

For the sake of simplicity avoid absurdity concentrate on lucidity

Prevent assumption and interpretation focus on comprehension

Embrace a sound mind and hold on to balance and intelligence

Living Life

Breath, Live and Love

Most living things need oxygen to survive, humans get the oxygen they need by breathing through their nose and mouth into their lungs. There are different kinds of breathing that require a slightly different process to allow inspiration and expiration.

Many people use their breathing to help promote relaxation and reduce stress. Yoga breathing involves rhythmic pattern to help focus the mind inward, whilst Pilates focuses the breath outward to the physical body. Breathing is also important in singing and I’m reminded of the hymn “Breathe on me, breath of God” words written by Edwin Hatch, and hymn composed by Robert Jackson. This hymn has been placed in hundreds of hymnals, the tune is almost like breathing itself and very uplifting too. 

1.  Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew, that I may love the way you love, and do what you would do.

2 Breathe on me, Breath of God, until my heart is pure, until my will is one with yours, to do and to endure.

3 Breathe on me, Breath of God, so shall I never die, but live with you the perfect life for all eternity.

There are clearly different techniques of breathing and also different ways to purposefully live our lives. Fortunately, we have the power to deliberately change our own breathing and the way we choose to live.

As we become conscious of our breathing and how important it is to breath, so I wish that we become conscious in living, caring, and loving one another too.