Living Life

Sheer Grit and Determination

When my younger daughter was 5 years old, she asked if she could join a ballet class. I enrolled her at one of the nearby schools and thought it’s just a phase as many of us wanted to be ballerinas at this age. She however continued to show determination and so much love for ballet.

With her very first lesson in ballet, her teacher said, “she’s a keeper and very talented too.” I must admit I was sceptical of the teacher’s praise, thinking how’s it possible to recognize talent at a first glance.  She continued her ballet classes and did some ballet show’s bringing myself and others to tears with her beautiful renditions of her ballet performances.

A few years ago, she did a ballet exam where she struggled to breath and perform at her potential, especially with grand jeté. Upon recommendation of our General Practitioner, we took her to a Pulmonologist that gave us the scary news that her lungs were functioning at only 50 percent due to asthma that was for a long time undiagnosed. We then realised what an amazing achievement and determination she had to still get through her ballet exam successfully, not to mention all the other occasions and ballet performances. Thankfully, her lung capacity has improved and she’s almost 100 percent.

Recently she sustained a hip injury and was scheduled for her Intermediate ballet exam. On the day of the ballet exam, to help relieve the pain, she had to be injected with a voltaren injection in the morning together with physio and then a second injection later that day. She showed unbelievable determination once again and she, despite the pain, got through her exams achieving a distinction.

Inspired and uplifted in body and soul

Pushing forward, persevering, whilst reaching her goal

Achieved by sheer grit and determination,

Yes, you are a winner!

By HensBlooms

I believe in God, love and life! Married to my friend, mentor and rock. We have been blessed with two beautiful girls. My personal journey provides opportunities for me to empower individuals to lead better lives. I have had a real desire to work with people for a long time and have always been fascinated with human behaviour and understanding how the mind works.
I love the following quote by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. “Remember that children, marriages and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get”

24 replies on “Sheer Grit and Determination”

Thank you for sharing!!.. as the saying goes “The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible.” ( Joel Brown) and one can add you being a supportive and wonderful Mom to give her encouragement to follow her dream… 🙂

Until we meet again..
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!
(Irish Saying)

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I agree with Lisa, the qualities it takes to be a professional athlete are incredibly amazing. She sounds like a very special and determined young lady. I am so glad to hear that her lung capacity is normal and she past her test. My daughter is grown but she was a gymnast. There are ten levels when you are at the level to try for the Olympic trials. She got to level seven and just like your daughter she was determined. I think being an athlete teaches children so many wonderful and beneficial qualities no matter what they end up doing. If she wants to be a professional touring Ballerina I hope she gets her dream. Blessings and thank you for sharing this lovely story. It says a lot about the example you sent Henrietta. Love to you all. ❤️❤️

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Determination is indeed a great quality to have and thank you for sharing your story. Your daughter sounds amazing❤️ I cannot agree more with what you’ve said about the teaching you receive as an athlete. Thank you so much for your kind comment. Have a lovely weekend, blessings to you and your loved ones 💕🌸🤗

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Thank you Henrietta. I hope you daughter’s dreams all come true. I think we all want that for our children. ❤️❤️❤️ She sounds very gifted, bless her and your family. Love you Henrietta ❤️❤️❤️

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