Living Life



If you’ve been around here on my blog, you might have noticed that things have been unusually quiet. I haven’t posted consistently in this space for the last 5 months, I’ve been away from the blog for a while. It feels like I’ve taken a step back, but in reality I’ve been busy working, grabbing opportunities available in the organisation to enrich myself, helping me to stay curious and contributing to many aspects in my life. I’ve been waiting patiently to receive the go ahead to further my studies and pursue Research Masters degree in Psychology (since September 2023) and eventually after many, many months of working on my application, I’ve been accepted and received the go ahead to register at one of our local universities.

Applying for a Masters degree has been a very long journey. I’ve been applying since the year 2020 and received rejections year in and year out, until now. So, to say that I’m grateful and excited for the acceptance feels like an understatement!

I sadly will need to take a very long hiatus (2-3 years) from here. Blogging is a lot of work, it takes lots of time to research and create consistent content. I’m so grateful though for the opportunities and connections that I have had since creating this space a couple of years ago and unfortunately I cannot give it the time it deserves. I will need to devote my time to pursue my studies researching a topic that’s very close to my heart.

Wishing all of you the very best. Goodbye, see you again.

By HensBlooms

I believe in God, love and life! Married to my friend, mentor and rock. We have been blessed with two beautiful girls. My personal journey provides opportunities for me to empower individuals to lead better lives. I have had a real desire to work with people for a long time and have always been fascinated with human behaviour and understanding how the mind works.
I love the following quote by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. “Remember that children, marriages and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get”

6 replies on “Hiatus”

I certainly understand your decision as I have been on and off of WordPress for years now. Sometimes the spirit moves me to blog and follow blogs, but other times that spirit certainly has met up with other demands and/or priorities…and I decided to step away from blogging for a spell. Best of luck with your Masters work – a very exciting time in your life to be sure!🙂

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Dearest Henrietta, bless you for going steadfastly after your dream. The blogging world is a wonderful way to meet others but there are things that are more important. Following your heart and your goals especially one it sounds like you have worked so hard to obtain, is truly a blessings. I can see you working hard as I know you will. Your daughter got her work ethic from her parents and I know that you are a very hard working woman and also one that is full of love and compassion for others. It has been such a blessing to know you over the years Henrietta. I too have slowed down a bit on-line as my husband and I retired early in hopes to spend time with each other while post both healthy. With a fifteen year difference in age we wanted to travel, take week-end trips and just spend time enjoying each other and not just on weekends. For me God and family come first and always will, but the love I have found and the people I have met on line have added so much to my life. You have been a blessing to me and I am sure to so many. Always a tender hearted spirit and now pursuing your dream. I am happy to know that although we may not see you for a while and perhaps not again depending on how much of your day is left when job and school are done. I will know in my heart that you are happy and that God blessed you with your dream and you are doing something that will allow you to help so many people as I know you already do in your current profession. When and if you decide to come back I may or may not be here but you have touched my life Henrietta and we leave a spark in other people’s heart when we care and you my dear friend, are a beautiful, compassionate and loving human being. May God bless you and your family always and thank you for being here and sharing a part of yourself with me. Love always, Joni

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Your message brought so much joy to my heart, tears to my eyes and I’m so appreciative that I have a friend in you. Thank you so much dear Joni for your beautiful words, your words of encouragement and most of all your words of care and love.💕 🌸 You are such an amazing author, I will always have your poetry to read and this is such an awesome gift that you’ve given us as the readers. You an inspiration and you’ve left a spark in my heart for sure. I’m so thankful that I’ve met you on the social media platforms. I wish you and your husband well in your retirement, lots of love, joy and contentment. God’s richest blessings to you and your loved ones. Enjoy all the moments with your loved ones. Lots of love beautiful Joni.


I’ll miss your posts but I’m absolutely thrilled for what life has in store for you! Congratulations on your acceptance – I hope you have a fantastic time learning, discovering and experiencing all that this exciting opportunity has to offer! All the best, Henrietta ❤️


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