Living Life

The Power of Love

This past year had many unexpected  challenges and it certainly had me searching for solutions to my personal situation. I find myself like many others social distancing, wearing masks, sanitising and taking good care of my health to avoid positive test result.  I do however want to be positive in mind,  knowing that it will contribute to good mental health. It is said that love affects our health in so many ways. It contributes to happiness and the euphoric feelings and power of love can improve physical, emotional, and mental health.

I imagine this world a better place, everyone wishing everyone well! I believe like everything else, it starts with me. I have to do and action my thoughts, otherwise it will all be in vain. I start by sending good thoughts and good wishes to everyone today! In doing so I believe this will be returned my way. Besides my personal gain, it can but only create a great, positive ripple effect for everyone. 

What the mind knows the heart don’t always follow but what the heart knows, the mind will do.

With these thoughts I envision…

I envision the Power of Love

That will allow our hearts to overflow with all that’s good

The good that exchange hate for the Power of Love

If we allow love to be the driving force

The driving force that will allow our mind to action 

To action kindness, care and consideration towards others 

I envision there’s really no reason to wait

Choose love and fill our minds with power, the Power of Love

The Power of Love have no boundaries

Give unconditionally and receive boundlessly

Envision and commit the Power of Love into action!

By HensBlooms

I believe in God, love and life! Married to my friend, mentor and rock. We have been blessed with two beautiful girls. My personal journey provides opportunities for me to empower individuals to lead better lives. I have had a real desire to work with people for a long time and have always been fascinated with human behaviour and understanding how the mind works.
I love the following quote by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. “Remember that children, marriages and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get”

28 replies on “The Power of Love”

Thank you so much for spreading this positivity and love. You’re right – the more love that we give to the world, the more love that we get in return. I also hope for a future where everyone wishes everyone else well. We’re a long way from it, but if blogging has taught me anything, it’s that they are many more incredibly kind people in the world than I thought there was. ❤

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Thank you for sharing positive thoughts, no doubt coming from a heart filled with love!!… 🙂

Until we meet again..
May the dreams you hold dearest
Be those which come true
May the kindness you spread
Keep returning to you
(Irish Saying)

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Wow, thank you so much, and I join you too in these loving thoughts and actions… We hold all and every one in kind loving embrace in hearts and minds. May you truly be blessed with living in love, joy and peace. 🤗🤗🤗😍

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A much-needed message, Henrietta! Some of the haters who have been causing chaos are still clinging to their racism and other hateful ideologies. It is not enough to make laws or change policies. What is needed is a change of heart and mind! ❤ Have a great weekend!

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