Living Life

May Month Wishes and Beyond

May your days be filled with happiness and joy

May your hearts overflow with love and peace

May your everyday peace come from all the comfort you receive

May you grow from strength to strength in embracing life

May you have all the care and support that provide freedom and security

May your life be blessed with prosperity in


My mom and my girls

Happy Mother’s Day dear mom and to all the mother’s out there❣️❣️❣️❣️

By HensBlooms

I believe in God, love and life! Married to my friend, mentor and rock. We have been blessed with two beautiful girls. My personal journey provides opportunities for me to empower individuals to lead better lives. I have had a real desire to work with people for a long time and have always been fascinated with human behaviour and understanding how the mind works.
I love the following quote by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. “Remember that children, marriages and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get”

14 replies on “May Month Wishes and Beyond”

Ah, a beautiful picture of your loved ones Henrietta! And what a lovely piece of writing! Hope you had a great Mother’s Day (hopefully spoiled by your lovely two daughters 😉).
Though I’m not a mother, it was great to share this day with my mom – such a privilege.

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Thank you for sharing a part of your world and photo!!.. a belated Happy Mother’s Day and hope the day were filled with love and happiness!.. 🙂

Until we meet again..
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
May green be the grass you walk on
May blue be the skies above you
May pure be the joys that surround you
May true be the hearts that love you.
(Irish Saying)


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