Living Life

Blooming in Life

Keep on blooming

There are many signs signalling that spring has arrived on this side of the world. The sound of chirping birds, the smell of fresh soft scents, butterflies and bumblebees in the air, confirmation that spring is here. There is that definite smell that it is spring. I’m reminded that different plants bloom at different times of the year, and that there will be the constant shift of floral scents.

So, just like these plants, we too as people are blooming at different stages of life. Are you living life in full bloom, are you living with hope and purpose, with imagination and vision that honours the earth and one another? Blooming season could be different for each one of us.

Some say that late bloomers become good at managing their own expectations, handling setbacks, and accredit this to why late bloomers are happier and more successful than their peers who enjoyed early success. So, they also believe that later in life, early achievers find out that things don’t always go as planned, and that they aren’t prepared for life’s struggles.Then there’s also the topic that late bloomers naturally develop skills needed to find calmness and choose to keep exploring, learning, listening and observing what works and what does not. I don’t believe age or when you bloom matters but that our uniqueness and striving to constantly wanting to bloom, will allow us to bloom. 

I’m encouraged to stay curious and wish this curiosity for others too and I believe it will help us to grow and will lead to the blooming stages of our lives that I hope to be authentic and unique to each of us. Keep on blooming!

By HensBlooms

I believe in God, love and life! Married to my friend, mentor and rock. We have been blessed with two beautiful girls. My personal journey provides opportunities for me to empower individuals to lead better lives. I have had a real desire to work with people for a long time and have always been fascinated with human behaviour and understanding how the mind works.
I love the following quote by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. “Remember that children, marriages and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get”

11 replies on “Blooming in Life”

I consider myself to be a late bloomer because all of my friends are currently graduating from university and already getting the jobs of their dreams. I’ve enjoyed taking my time though. Like you said, I think it’s taught me patience and I’m better at handling setbacks.

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I thought so about myself too 🤗, the late bloomer but perhaps this is so because we measure ourselves to others. I love the teachings you’ve taken from from your experiences. I prefer to bloom at my pace and I feel inspired and I thrive on the pushes of inspiration to continuously work on myself so that I can continue blooming at any stage of my life. Sometimes, it might not be noticeable to everyone else, but I know and that’s important so that I can keep on working on myself. I love the maturity you show in your posts and that is something great to achieve at any age. Keep on blooming.

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Thank you for sharing!!.. we will all bloom when we are ready, and each will bloom their own way,, but don’t want to bloom too fast and take the adventure out of life… 🙂

Hope all is well in your part of the universe and until we meet again…
May the dreams you hold dearest
Be those which come true
May the kindness you spread
Keep returning to you
(Irish Saying)

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We are just hitting Fall here, and I love this time of year! But spring is a beautiful season, too, and I appreciate the photo. Your comments about late bloomers hit home; my youngest daughter is one and it has made her learn to work hard. Thanks for sharing!

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