Living Life

Somewhere In The World

Somewhere in the world there’s a person just like you. Perhaps you think about appearances, I’m however thinking of life experiences that have moulded them to you. Perhaps it’s not just one but many that can say, “that’s me, I have experienced that!” What you are going through right now, someone else experienced it before or perhaps are facing these experiences simultaneously to you.

Somewhere in the world there’s a person just like you, overcoming obstacles and fighting battles too. Facing life’s up and downs and wishing for the ‘ups’ when faced with mostly ‘downs.’  I wish that when we face the downs we find that we surrounded by hope that allows us to hang on and survive.

Somewhere in the world there’s a person just like you. I want you to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE and there is help and support.

I want to leave you with a few lines from a BTS song “Not Today”

“If you can’t fly, then run.
Today we will survive.
If you can’t run, then walk.
Today we will survive.
If you can’t walk, then crawl.”

Living Life

Voices from the Margins

Stigmatisation is the action of describing or regarding someone or something as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval. When we are judgemental we often form opinions, usually harsh and critical ones about people. Why do we stigmatise others so easily? Is it because of fear, the unknown and or not knowing how to care for one another? Do we stigmatise because we are judgmental or is it because we don’t know and make assumptions? Imagine having to deal with negative attitudes or discrimination when dealing with a mental illness, health condition, or disability. Then there are also social stigmas that’s related to other characteristics such as culture, gender, race, religion, and sexuality.